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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:01    点击次数:79

提升国际视野,铸就中国情怀 ——西科大第三期剑桥短期游学项目总结                           计算机学院 陈伟伯 非常荣幸作为带队教师参加了我校第三期赴英国剑桥游学项目。在学校领导的大力支持下,在主办方的精心组织下,在同事和学生们积极配合的基础上,我们圆满完成了此项目的学习任务。有很多心得与感悟想与大家分享。 一、不忘初心,方得始终 为什么要组织这个项目,参加该项目的目的和意义何在?这是我们首先要明确的,也是在参加活动之中和之后要牢记和总结的。在活动的组织方PT国际的微信平台是这样说的:为了以夷制夷、以夷款夷、师夷长技以制夷,留学,留的是回忆,学的是格局和眼界,短期交流学习也是如此。这是从国家和个人层面来讲的。我认为举办该项目对学校来讲是要促进学校的国际化进程,加强对外交流与合作;对教师来讲要开拓学生国际化视野,培养国际化人才;对学生而言则是提升国际视野,铸就中国情怀,积极适应新时代对人才的新要求。 二、牢记使命,发挥好领导作用 我是该项目的受益者之一,但绝不像有些人所想像的我们这些教师是随团旅行而已,24个彼此陌生的师生团队带起来并不容易,这是一个表面放松内心却时刻紧绷的揪心的过程。 在项目的推进过程中,我们总结运用了“象数理”学生教育管理模式,尽管活动过程中有过一些波折,但在国外的整个过程算是比较顺利的。尽管活动中有个别师生生病,但很快就康复了;尽管有的同学把自己贵重和不太贵重的东西丢失了,但很快又失而复得;尽管有的同学因为主管或客观原因迟到,但从未影响活动的整体进程;尽管有些同学对活动的安排有这样或那样的意见和看法,但最终都能以大局为重,认真参加了每一个环节,做到了个人服从集体。 三、体验异国生活,做好国际比较 英国的生活和国内相比还是有些异样的,我从衣食住用行及购物几个方面谈一下个人感受。 英国的穿衣风格和中国没有太大差别,但价格便宜。但同样的气温下多少迥异,有穿棉袄的,有穿秋衣的,也有穿短袖的,还有的上身穿棉袄下身裙子且光腿的。衣服和鞋子的价格比国内便宜尤其是童装,很多童装只售一两英镑。 吃饱的感觉真好。英国人吃饭比较简单,他们不愿意在吃饭上花费很多时间。在英国的半个月里,我们的早餐都是一杯牛奶加咖啡,一盘牛奶加碎薯片。晚餐不太一样但也大同小异,确盐少糖,吃不饱肚子,他们说营养和热量是够的且比较健康,我每天带上一块巧克力必备不时之需。所以带上一些老干妈之类的食品是十分有必要的。在外边吃饭是很贵的,一般去餐馆用餐一个菜的价格在10英镑左右,路边随便吃点什么都得6、7英镑。 第一周的午餐是在剑桥语言工作室吃自助,第二周大部分时间主办方都安排我们吃中餐。英国的自助餐与国内不同,不是叫你想吃多少吃多少,自己觉得什么好吃就只吃什么,而是分区域的在一个区域内只能选一样,取多少是服务员说了算的。有一点更是叫人难以接受,他们的热饮并不免费但又和自助餐放在了一起,有一次我不知道那些东西不免费就打了一杯,服务员过来解释,我说等一下我取钱来付费,结果我一转身,她却把我打的热饮倒掉了。由不得叫人联想到十八世纪的英国资本家把牛奶倒到河里。 宁谧而简约的生活环境。与其说剑桥大学坐落于剑桥市,不如说剑桥市属于著名的剑桥大学。剑桥这座城市里的每个地方都是为剑桥大学服务的,很多的地方都是直接隶属于剑桥大学的。这里风光旖旎,空气湿润,安静祥和,处处怡人。这里人和动物和谐相处,大片大片的草地上,鸽子、天鹅、松鼠、鸭子、鸳鸯、野兔、鹿和狐狸随处可见。 这里的房子都不大,很少有新房,平均房龄127年,外观古朴厚重。我们寄宿的英国家庭里每间屋子里都有一块钟表,显得英国人的时间观念是很强的,而且每间屋子的钟表都不是一样的,显得谈们丰富多彩具有一定的艺术气息。房间很小,东西很少,但让人感到什么都不缺。从里到外每一样东西都做得很精致很艺术,很值得珍惜和保存。 剑桥的人居环境令人羡慕不已,和寄宿家庭的男主人格瑞海姆聊天问及他对中国的印象时,他说中国拥挤、非常的拥挤,说着他做出了一个前拥后挤用脚踹着上地铁的夸张动作。细想其原因是由于中国人口众多,二元结构下在城镇化的进程中,大量的农民进城,使得城市的交通、住房、上学、医疗等不堪重负,归根结底中国目前的拥挤是由不平衡不充分的发展造成的。这也恰恰是我们当前要解决的主要矛盾。 “个人财产神圣不可侵犯”,本次出国对这句话有了更深刻的理解,两件事情让我记忆尤深。一件事,2月5日有两个女生说在寄宿家庭把自己的东西丢了,结果过了两天,他们的东西又找见了,经分析是自己不小心造成的。另外一件事,2月7日我们集合到大英博物馆时,有一名同学的手机不小心丢在公交车的座位上,主办方说不用着急,打个车追过去一定能找见,结果追到后,公交司机用一个塑料袋包好收了起来,很快就物归原主了。 下边我们谈一下交通。市内的外出大多是坐公交。绅士却不强制礼貌而不古板是英国人的独特魅力。英国的公交只有一个前门,上车付费、充值或刷卡,司机会按照排队顺序为你服务,给每位乘客道谢,直到全部坐好后才出发,遇到要充值的其他人都要等候。公交和站台几乎是无缝对接的,对残疾人来讲司机要把轮椅推上车,车上有专门安放轮椅的地方。老年人一般不需要让座,因为英国的老人认为年轻人都很辛苦,年轻人给老人让座会让他感到你瞧不起他。车开的很稳,车上很少有人说话,看书是没有问题的,不知道是因为英国的网络不发达还是因为素质高,公交车上不乏有看书的人。下车的乘客是要向司机说谢谢的。 再说过马路。在英国行人过马路可以操控路边的红绿灯,待绿灯后方可通行,如果行人闯红灯造成交通事故的是要承担严重后果的,有可能要赔偿机动车的损失,我认为我们的交通法是可以借鉴这一点的,至少西安市实施车让人是可以借鉴的。 英国是一个严谨的国家,因此我们的E支付在这里暂时行不通。说好的在退税时可以退到支付宝的,但最后也只能退现金,且每笔都要收20%的手续费。也正因此在一定程度上妨碍了中国人在英国的消费。 另外一点不利于消费的是英国很多当地人开的店在晚上6点后就打烊了,有很多店在星期天不开门,应为星期天要去教堂做礼拜。很多的中国人在这里开的店则不同,和在国内一样天天开到很晚。英国的店主对此即钦佩又纳闷,钦佩的是,中国商人通过自己辛勤劳动不仅在当地站稳了脚跟,而且赚得可观的财富;纳闷的是他们没有闲暇,没有休假,没有信仰,叫人看不到他们的辛苦的目的,说是为了子女,而子女长大后又重复这样的忙碌。 四、提升国际视野,铸就中国情怀 走出国门,才能从更高更远的角度审视我们的国家,看待我们国家的人、事、物。 项目的活动内容是充实丰富的。半个月来,师生共同参加了语言课程的学习,在住宿的英国家庭里很好地练习了英语口语,学习了申请国外留学的技巧和经验,学习讨论了创新创业知识,参观了剑桥大学三一学院的创新创业产业园,参观了剑桥大学国王学院、建筑学院,在剑河泛舟实地揣摩了徐志摩的《再别康桥》,参观伊利大教堂领略西式建筑的精巧与厚重,参观了大英博物馆、阿什莫尔博物馆、莎士比亚纪念馆和帝国战争纪念馆,聆听众多文物的声音。 “在商言商”,作为教育工作者首先关注的是英国的教育。就教育管理松紧程度而言,英国是从小学到大学的要求越来越高。英国的学习不可以旷课。上课的第二天有个女生肚子疼,请假在家休息。英国的老师很生气,认为我们的管理不严。就连房东都告诉她说起床后到外边呼吸一下新鲜空气,然后去上课。在英国的教师看来,上课期间你要么在教室,要么在医院,没有第三个地方可以待。也就是说你请假必须有病例,否则就是旷课。 在建筑学院我们聆听了杨宗银博士讲的英国留学申请技巧的课程。得知英国的硕士只需要读一年博士三到四年,所以建议本科生有条件的可以申请硕博连读。可能我们大多数人担心的是两点,一是钱的问题,二是语言的问题。关于钱的问题其实一般的工薪阶层是可以承担的,因为可以申请奖学金,家里每年能出30万人民币就差不多了。在英国留学的英语学习可以先考雅思也可以入学后再考,所以你不用因为英语没有学好而放弃申请到英国留学。 英国高校教育中也是很重视创新创业能力的。就这一点我专门向Patrick教授做了请教。在剑桥大学创新创业教育的措施有四个方面:一是文化熏陶,剑桥大学有着很好的创业文化,本身有几千亿英镑的校产。二是为有创业想法的年轻人提供资金和创业教育支持。三是学校组织企业医院,为有问题的企业进行免费诊断,提供解决问题的方案。四是举办创新创业大赛,对获奖作品给予重金支持,无偿给学生的创新给予资金支持并让渡专利。 谈英国的思想政治教育。很多人说国外就不存在思想政治教育,这说法我不能苟同,不是没有而是方式方法与我们不大相同罢了。伊利大教堂里摆放的反战的工艺品、议会大厦附近的二战纪念碑、泰晤士河岸附近的英雄雕塑、艺术博物馆的绘画、校园内的大教堂、帝国战争博物馆等无一不渗透着这一国家的意识形态。剑桥大学的课堂上会用牧师去讲圣经故事,但他们从不提及他们成为日不落帝国的侵略史及其在侵略过程中他国的血泪史。把一个个装满他国文物的博物馆说成是替全人类传承文明做出贡献。 如果以上说的是国际视野的话,那么下边谈两点国家情怀,一是台湾问题,二是本次访学的重要目标之一走访徐志摩写《再别康桥》的那个康桥。 在语言教学工作室有不少和我们一样的来自不同国家和地区的短期游学的师生。其中不乏有台湾同胞,最初一听到有说中文的黄种人就问他是从哪里来的?台湾人会说从台湾来的。后来我们就变换了问法,首先问他是不是从中国来,再问他是从中国什么地方来的。一次在教室,台湾同胞说他们是从中国来的,我们就进行了很好的交流并合影留念。 我们的队员不少人把我校的宣传页赠给了台湾同胞,我认为很好。发给外国人顶多征得几个留学生,而发给台胞则可能征得的是台湾的青年一代。 在活动中我们和中东的约旦人、意大利人、法国人合影,他们听说我们是中国人都非常乐意,证明了我国国际地位的提升。 在国王学院的校院里,我们找到了刻有徐志摩诗句的碑文,在哪里见到的诗中提到的剑河、康桥、金柳、夕阳、水草、天上虹、小船、长篙,见不到的只有那沉默的夏虫,在那里反复吟诵着“轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来……我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩”,揣摩着这诗句背后的一段凄美的留学故事。美丽的景色令人看不够、想不够、拍不够、诵不够、恋不够,流连忘返。诗人已矣,诗句长存,留给了中国,也留给了世界。这就是文化的力量。 作为一名中国人既不能妄自菲薄也不能骄傲自大,中国在很多地方已经处于国际领先,但我们仍旧有很多地方需要向他国学习。中国的综合国力、国际地位和国际影响力已经处于世界领先地位,高铁、E支付、共享单车、网购让很多外国人称赞,在英国剑桥,我骑着免费的共享单车,去参观位于三一学院创新创业产业园的华为研发基地,感受作为中国人的骄傲与自豪。但我们不能固步自封,也要清醒地看到他国的优势,英国仍在不断地创造世界第一,第一瓶青霉素、第一个电子管、第一部雷达、第一台计算机、第一台电视机、第一列克隆羊、第一列试管婴儿,十几年前就发明了柔性材料…… 五、活动意义巨大,希望持续改进 参加该项目的意义是重大的,项目的完成情况是比较圆满的。师生均感到满载而归,收获颇丰。活动的参加使我们练习了英语口语,收获了知识,增长了见识。宣传了中国,宣传了陕西,宣传了西科大。我们与在英的华人华侨、英国人、来英国一同参加学习的中东人、意大利人、法国人缔结了国际友谊,团结了来自香港和台湾的同胞,在活动中增进了师生间的情感,在学习之余同学们为亲友购买了别致新年礼物。活动结束后,计算机学院的高文婧、人外学院的邬恬静、电控学院的徐烨、通信学院的陈熊熊受到英国前外交官、剑桥大学Patrick教授的肯定,并给予赴英留学的亲笔推荐信。 身处异国他乡,师生对中国和国际事务有了不同于以前的认识和感受,培养了国际视野和中国情怀。增强了师生国际比较的鉴别能力,深刻的认识到,活动中同学们的民族自尊心、自信心和自豪感得到了增强,认识到国家改革开放以来国家实力的提升,一带一路在国际上的巨大影响,大家表示要在增强四个自信的同时,以昂扬勤勉的人生态度推动中华民族的伟大复兴。在活动中师生学习到的创新创业知识、出国留学知识等必将对今后的学习和工作产生具体而深远的影响。 据悉,下一期的活动安排已经基本完成,届时将有更丰富更高层次的活动内容和更优秀的剑桥大学教授等着大家。愿该项目越办越好,希望越来越多的师生参与进来从中受益。 Enhance the international vision and forge Chinese feelings - summary of the third short - term study in Cambridge Chen Weibo, school of computer science and technology It is a great honor for me to attend the third phase of our school study tour in Cambridge. Under the strong support of the school leaders, under the meticulous organization of the organizer, we successfully completed the learning task of this project on the basis of active cooperation between colleagues and students. There are many thoughts and feelings to share with you. 1Never forget the beginner's mind. Why should this project be organized and what is the purpose and significance of participating in the project? This is the first thing we need to make clear and to keep in mind and summarize after taking part in the neutralization of the activities:learn from the advanced technologies in the West in order to resist the invasion of the Western powers,.Studying abroad is to make recollection, learning is to learn the pattern and the eye, the short term exchange of learning is the same.This is from the national and personal level. I think the school is held in the project is to promote the internationalization of our school, strengthen exchanges and cooperation; in terms of teachers to develop students' international vision, cultivate international talents; for students is to enhance the international vision, cast Chinese feelings, and actively adapt to the new requirements for talents in the new era. 2. Keep the mission in mind and play a leading role. I am one of the beneficiaries of the project, but it is not as if some of us imagine that our teachers are traveling with a group. The 24 unfamiliar teachers and students team is not easy to bring up. It's a process of loosening the heart and tightening the tension at all times. In the process of promoting the project, we summarized the use of "image and mathematical" student education and management mode. Although there are some twists and turns in the activity process, the whole process abroad is relatively smooth. Although in the activities of individual teachers and students get sick, but soon recovered; although some students put their valuables and not too expensive things lost, but quickly recovered; although some students because of subjective or objective reasons for being late, but never affect the whole process of activities; despite this or that opinions and views some of the students on the arrangements, but ultimately can take into account the overall situation, seriously in every aspect, to the individual. 3. Experience foreign life and make international comparisons. Life in the UK is still a bit different from home, and I talk about my personal feelings in terms of food and clothing and shopping. The dress style of Britain is not much different from China, but the price is cheap. But under the same temperatures, the peoples wearing is quite different,some wear a cotton padded jacket, some wear clothes, also there have some wear short sleeved when others wearing a jacket and skirt light leg. The prize of clothes and shoes are really cheap , especially children, many children for only one or two pounds. It feels good to be full. British people have a simple meal. They don't want to spend a lot of time eating. For half a month in England, we had a cup of milk and coffee, a plate of milk and chips as breakfast.The dinner was basically the same. I did not have enough salt and sugar to eat and that made me always feel hungry.They said that the nutrition and calories were enough and healthy. I had to take a chocolate bar every day. So it's very necessary to bring some food like old dry mom. It's expensive to eat out, usually at about 10 pounds for a meal in a restaurant, and 6 or 7 pounds for anything on the side of the road. The first week's lunch was to eat self-help at the Cambridge language studio, and most of the organizers arranged for us to eat Chinese food for the most part of the second week. The buffet in Britain is different from that in China. It's not how much you want to eat, what you want to eat, but what you can eat only in a region.It is difficult for me to accept that the buffy does not include hot drink, once I don't know which things are not free and fit a cup, the waiter came, I said I was about to get money to pay for the results, I turned around, she throw away the drink. It iassociated with the British capitalists in eighteenth Century to pour milk into the river. The tranquil and simple living environment. Ratherto saythe University of Cambridge is located in Cambridge, it is better to say that Cambridge is famousbecause ofCambridge University. Every place in this city in Cambridge serves the University of Cambridge, and many places are directly subordinate to the University of Cambridge. Here is an exquisite scenery, moist air, quiet and peaceful, pleasant everywhere. Here people live in harmony with animals, and on large meadows, dove, swans, squirrels, ducks, mandarin ducks, hare, deer and foxes everywhere can be seen. The houses here are small, with few new homes, and the average age is 127 years. Our boarding British families in every room has a clock, appear the British people's concept of time is very strong, and the clocks were not the same, is about the colorful artistic breath. The room was small, but there was nothing lacking. Everything from the inside to the outside is very delicate and artistic, which is worth cherishing and preserving. Living environment of Cambridge isreally great, andwhenasked abouttheimpression of China,thehost family menGreysaid China's crowded, very crowded, and he made a hug before after foot may be dipped with subway crowded with exaggerated movements. Consider the reason for this is because China's large population, under the dual structure in the process of urbanization, a large number of farmers into the city, the city traffic, such as housing, school, medical treatment, in the end China's current congestion is caused by inadequate development imbalance. This is also the main contradiction we are trying to solve. "Personal property is sacred and inviolable", this time abroad to have a deeper understanding of this sentence, two things let me remember especially deep. One thing, on February 5th, two girls said that they had lost their belongings in the homestay family. After two days, their belongings were found again, and the analysis was caused by carelessness. One other thing, February 7, we set to the British museum, there is a classmate of mobile phone accidentally lost on the bus seat, organisers say there's no need to worry, to make a car back to the past must be found, the results catch up with, bus drivers wrapped in a plastic bag, closed up and come back soon. Let's talk about traffic. Most of the city's going out is by bus. It is the charm of the English that the gentleman is not forced to be polite. Britain's only one bus front door, get on the car payment, prepaid phone or credit card, the driver will service for you in line order, thanks to every passenger, until all seated before he set out, met to top-up everybody else have to wait. The bus and the platform are almost seamless, and for the disabled, the driver has to put the wheelchair onto the car, where there is a special wheelchair. Old people do not need to give up their seats, because old people in England think that young people are very hard, and the young people give their seats to the old people and make him feel that you despise him. The car is very stable, there are few people talking in the car, there is no problem with reading, I do not know because the British network is not developed or because of the high quality, there are many people on the bus who read books. The passenger who got off was to say thank you to the driver. Talk aboutpassingthe road. Pedestrians crossing the road in the UK can be manipulated by the side of the road traffic lights, stay green rear can pass, if pedestrians running red lights cause traffic accident is to bear serious consequences, may have to compensate the loss of motor vehicle, I think our traffic laws can be reference for this, at least xi an implementation of the car to let a person can be for reference. Britain is a serious country, so our E payment is not going to work here. It is said that the tax refund can be paid back to alipay, but in the end, it can only be paid back in cash, and each charge will be charged 20% of the service fee. It is also partly hindering Chinese consumption in the UK. Another disadvantage is that many local shops in the UK are closed after 6 p.m., and many shops are closed on Sundays and should go to church on Sunday. A lot of Chinese people open shop here is different, and in the domestic same day open to very late. The British shopkeepers admired and wondered how Chinese businessmen, through their hard work, not only gained a foothold in the region, but also earned considerable wealth. It is a wonder that they have no leisure, no vacations, no faith, that people can not see their hard work, that they are for their children, and that their children will grow up and repeat such busyness. 4enhance international vision, and cast China's feelings. To go abroad, we can look at our country from a higher and higher perspective, and look at the people, things and things of our country. The activities of the project are enriched. For half a month, took part in the language course learning, both teachers and students in the British families of accommodation well practiced oral English, learning the skills and experience of the application for study abroad, discusses the innovative entrepreneurial learning, visited the creative industrial park of trinity college, Cambridge university, a visit to the king's college, Cambridge university, school of architecture, in the river on a boat on the ground ponder the xu zhimo "on leaving Cambridge", visiting Ely cathedral appreciate the choiceness of western-style buildings with thick, visited the British museum, the ashmolean museum, Shakespeare memorial museum and the imperial war museum, listening to the sound of many cultural relics. "In businesssay business", as education workers, the first concern is education in the UK. As far as education is concerned, the UK is increasingly demanding from primary school to university. English learning can't be skipped. On the second day of class, a girl had a stomachache and asked for leave to rest at home. The English teacher was very angry and thought our management was lax. Even the landlord told her to get out of bed and take a breath of fresh air before going to class. In English teachers, you are either in the classroom or in the hospital during class, and there is no third place to stay. That means you have to take a leave of absence, or you will be absent. At the school of architecture, we listened to Dr. Yang zongyin's course on applying for English study abroad. To learn that a master's degree in the UK requires only three to four years of doctoral study in one year, it is recommended that undergraduates be eligible to apply for master's degree. Maybe most of us are worried about two things, one is money and the other is language. The problem with money is that ordinary working class can afford it, because you can apply for a scholarship, and the family can afford 300,000 RMB every year. In the UK, you can take the ielts test first and then take the exam again, so you don't have to give up your application to study in the UK because you didn't learn English well. The UK university education also attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship. I consulted professor Patrick on this point. There are four aspects to the innovation and entrepreneurship of education in the university of Cambridge: one is the cultural influence, the university of Cambridge has a very good entrepreneurial culture, and there are hundreds of billions of pounds of school production itself. The second is to provide funding and startup education support for young people with entrepreneurial ideas. Third, the school organizes the enterprise hospital, provides free diagnosis for the problem enterprise, provides the solution to the problem. Fourth, the innovation and entrepreneurship competition will be held, and the winning works will be supported by heavy gold, and the innovation of the students will be provided with financial support and transfer of patents. On British politics education. Many people say that there is no such thing as ideological and political education, which I cannot agree with, not that it is not the same as we are. Ely cathedral of anti-war handicraft, world war ii memorial near the houses of parliament, near the river Thames hero sculpture, painting art museum, the campus, the imperial war museum within the cathedral, etc are saturated with the ideology of the country. The Cambridge classes will use the priests to tell the bible stories, but they never refer to them as the history of aggression and the history of blood and tears in other countries during the invasion. The museum that fills the cultural relics of other countries is said to contribute to the civilization of the whole mankind. If the above said is international vision, then down to talk about two national feelings, one is the Taiwan issue, the second is the visiting one of the important goals of visiting the Cambridge xu zhimo wrote "on leaving Cambridge". There are many teachers and students from different countries and regions in the language teaching studio. Some of them were from Taiwan, and when they first heard the Chinese speaking, they asked him where he came from. The Taiwanese will say they come from Taiwan. Then we changed the question and asked him if he had come from China and asked him where he came from. Once in the classroom, Taiwan compatriots said that they came from China, and we had a good communication and took a group photo. Many of our members have given the publicity page of our school to compatriots in Taiwan. I think it is very good. A few foreign students will be sent to foreigners, and Taiwan's younger generation may be asked. In the event, we took a group photo with the Jordanian, Italian and French people in the Middle East, and they heard that we are very happy to be Chinese and have proved our country's international status. In king's college and universities, we found the inscription engraved with xu zhimo poem, where did you see mentioned in the poem, Cambridge, riverside, the setting sun jian river, seaweed, rainbow in the sky, the boat, long pole, see only the silence of the summer insects, where repeatedly singing "I walked lightly, just as I come lightly... I wave my sleeves and not take away a wisp of cloud, "I read the sad story behind the poem. The beautiful scenery is not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough. The poet has lived, and the verse has been left to China, and to the world. That's the power of culture. As a Chinese, we can't be arrogant or arrogant. China is already in the lead in many places, but we still have a lot to learn from other countries. China's comprehensive national strength and international status and influence have been is a world leader, high-speed rail, E payment, Shared cycling, online shopping make many foreigners, in Cambridge, I ride bike free sharing, went to visit the huawei located at trinity college creative industrial park development base, to feel the pride and proud as a Chinese. But we can't be stuck in the past, also want to clearly see the advantage of other countries, Britain is still constantly to create the world's first, the first bottle of penicillin, the first tube, the first radar, first computer, the first television set, the F.D.A. proposes that sheep clones not be used in the first column, the first test-tube baby, the flexible material was invented more than a decade ago... 5the activities are of great significance and hope for continuous improvement. The significance of participating in the project is significant, and the completion of the project is relatively satisfactory. Both teachers and students feel full and fruitful. The participation of the activity made us practice spoken English, gained knowledge and increased our knowledge. Propagandized China, publicized shaanxiand our school. We concluded international friendshipwithoverseas Chinese,Middle East, Italy, Frenchstudentsstudy togetheralsothe solidarity and the compatriots from Hong Kong and Taiwan, enhance the emotion between teachers and students in the activity, in the learning of the students bought a chic New Year gift for relatives and friends. After the activity,our studentwen-jing gao, Xu Ye,ChenXiongxiongreceive handwritten letters of recommendationbytheformer British diplomat, Cambridge university professor Patrick's affirmation. In a foreign country, teachers and students have different understandings and feelings about China and international affairs, and have cultivated international vision and Chinese feelings. Strengthened international comparison between teachers and students ability to identify, profoundly realize that activities of the students of national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride has been enhanced, recognize the country since the reform and opening, the strength of a country in all the way on the international, the impact of the people said to the enhanced four confidence at the same time, to the attitude of industry to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship and the knowledge of studying abroad will have a specific and far-reaching impact on the future study and work. It is reported that the next phase of the activity arrangement has been basically completed, there will be a richer and higher level of activity content and the better Cambridge university professors and so on. I hope the project will be better and better, and I hope more and more teachers and students will benefit from it.  

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